This For That Mentality

When you decide you are going to get out of debt you must also establish a this for that mentality. The concept is very simple. First you have to decide if what you are about to purchase is a want or a necesity. If its a necesity than you must purchase only enough for what you need. If the item is a want then you have decide what you can get rid of or sell, or you must decide what is going to take the place of that purchase. Many are forced to make that decision these days because of high gas prices. Others are making that decision because they want to be frugal with their money.

Personal example: I just signed up for a gym member ship next door to where I work. The monthly fee is $67. The first thing that I thought about when I heard the price was bring in my lunch to save money and to save time so I can workout during lunch. Keep in mind this is a top of the line gym membership but i’m paying for it.

Another example is ordering water. My wife and I only order water when we go out to eat, we give the money we would have paid to our waiter as a tip. This has saved us a ridiculous amount of money.

What are you willing to give up in place of what you need or want? Thus developing a this for that mentality to become debt free. I know its not normal but you know what normal is: