Mississauga Debt Free Canadian City

You are probably reading the title going, what in the world is Mississauga. Well a friend sent me this video and the female Mayor  in the video really impressed me so much that I wanted to highlight her and the city in which she is the Mayor. Her name is Hazel McCallion and she is the Mayor of Mississauga, a city in Canada. What’s different about Mississauga from other cities is that it’s debt free. Yes, a debt free city. Can you imagine what a city can do when they’re debt free? Anything they want. Not only are they debt free but they have $700 Million dollars in reserves. I don’t know about you but thats a lot of money.

So I wanted to highlight the video because people like this that think like this and live out what they truly believe tend to have good relationships with the people. The people have voted her as Mayor for years, obviously because she’s taking the city in the right direction. We could learn a lot from this 88 yr. old woman. Watch the debt free city mayor in action.