Changing Your Family Tree

After spending time in Mexico I realized how Americans can change their family tree. We can change our family tree by showing our children how other children live. I know this sounds like one of those programs about the poor but people in Mexico do not think they are poor.

All we ever hear about Mexicans is that they are crossing the border illegally to come to the United States. What we do not hear is how many Mexicans are staying in Mexico because they do not want to live in a fast paced world. They look at us and say I don’t want to physically work myself to death. Americans look at Mexicans and say I don’t want to live like they do.

Change your family tree by showing your offspring that they can live a peaceful life by not acquiring debt. If we were to compare the amount of money Mexicans owe banks compared to what Americans owe banks, we would look poor.

What would happen if banks were to call all of our notes? We too would look like a third world country.

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